Where can I find a map of all of the resorts at Disney World?

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Walt Disney World is home to over 25 resorts – each of which has a unique theme making them fun to visit even if you’re not staying there. During the Christmas season resorts also get decked with holly and other holiday décor – making a visit that much more exciting. However to get a plan to visit these resorts ready, it is helpful to know where each resort is located. So, where can you find a map of all of the Disney World Resorts?

The answer to the question is actually quite simple! A map of the entire Walt Disney World Resort can be found on the Disney World website. At the top of the screen there is a tab titled “Parks and Tickets” – hover over this tab to bring up a drop down menu. At the very bottom of this menu there is a maps option.

A map will populate with all that there is to see and do at Disney World, but you can make it easier to “read” by clicking on the tab that reads “All Activities” and simplifying it to Resorts. After making this selection all of the resort hotels will appear on the map as pin points. From here you can zoom in and navigate around all of Disney World!

Have you visited all of the resorts that Disney World has to offer? Tell us which resort is your favorite in the comment box!

Whether you’re using the map to find out which resort is closest to your favorite park or planning the order for visiting resorts this map is the place to go! You can also contact me at miriyawhitaker@worldofmagictravel.com and I would be happy to help you plan your next Magical vacation.

Where can I find a map of all of the resorts at Disney World? 1

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