These quotes might come from a galaxy far far away, but they can be applied to our own planet earth right now. It seemed fitting today with it being May the fourth to share some Star Wars quotes that can apply today. I hope that they share some motivation and inspiration for you during challenging times. We all could use a little positive reinforcement and why not use the force to help us get through this pandemic? The Star Wars movies carry much wisdom that we can apply in our every day lives, not just in this situation. These quotes are not meant to be of political nature but to give you some food for thought for self-reflection, and hopefully uplift you.
“You can’t stop the change, any more than you can stop the sun from setting.” -Shmi Skywalker This quote is from Episode I The Phantom Menace. We all know change is always going to happen. We live in a world where things are always changing and evolving. Walt himself even says “Progress is impossible without change.” So we need to stay focused on the future another one of his lines and embrace the changes and find a way to figure out what to do with them.
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you.” -Yoda Also from Episode I The Phantom Menace. Yoda makes a powerful statement essentially that Fear manifests in anger, hate, and suffering. So we must do what we can to not let it consume us.
“Oh, my dear friend. How I’ve missed you.” -C-3PO I almost wasn’t going to put this in and just focus on the original Star Wars movies, but this quote from The Force Awakens was too good to pass up. This whole social distancing has us missing out loved ones and this is a good reminder, there are people missing us right now too. There are family and friends who love and care about us, and that’s a good feeling to hold on to that we are loved and missed. This won’t be forever and we will have this reuniting moment with our loved ones soon.
“The force will be with you. Always.” – Obi-Wan Kenobi From Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope Just remember we have what it takes to see through this pandemic. Or whatever situation comes our way, we are stronger than we think.
“Do. Or do not. There is no try.” -Yoda This quote from Master Yoda to Luke in The Empire Strikes Back. We have to go into things with the mindset we can succeed. If we are already second-guessing ourselves we are setting ourselves up for failure from the get-go. We have to make the clear choice we are doing this or not, and not doubt ourselves.
“I find your lack of faith disturbing.” -Darth Vader The 1977 film Episode IV A New Hope is where Darth Vader makes this famous quote when the villains were doubting Vaders ability to use the force for their master plans when he was saying their plans and technology was no match for the force. We all have to have faith. We have to believe we as a communal whole can get through this pandemic and that will help us see it through.
“Already know that which you need.” -Yoda In Return of the Jedi, this is a reminder to Luke and us all, we already have what we need, it’s in us. When we doubt ourselves we must look within.
“Your focus determines your reality.” -Qui-Gon Jin In the Phantom Menace Jin says this to Anakin when he wants him to focus and watch and learn. We have to stay positive and have that positive outlook on things. It should become our mantra to live by. Our mindset will set us in a positive or negative direction and it is up to us to determine where our focus lies.
“Sometimes we must let go of our pride and do what is requested of us.” -Padme In Episode II Attack of the Clones Padme Amidala says this to Anakin as they are running as fugitives. Right now we all are having to do things, or do nothing as requested to help the greater good. We must remember why we are doing that and to be mindful and do every effort we can to help one another.
” Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is essential to a Jedi’s life. So you might say that we are encouraged to love.” -Anikan In Episode II Attack of the Clones Anikan makes this statement in regards to the Jedi Code. I think this is a code we should all live by. We need to remember now and always to have compassion for others. Help those you can. Love those around you. Remember that it is essential and should be part of our code to show compassion to our humanity.
May the Fourth and the Force Be with you. Always. Stay Connected with Disney Addicts for more motivational content.
Source & Photos: Disney Lucas Films
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